Intel IB865 Computer Hardware User Manual

IB865 Users Manual 45
USB Keyboard Support
By default, this field is set to Disabled.
USB Mouse Support
By default, this field is set to Disabled.
AC97 Audio
The default setting of the AC97 Audio is Auto.
The default setting of the onboard Gigabit LAN is enabled.
Onboard FDC Controller
Select Enabled if your system has a floppy disk controller (FDC)
installed on the CPU card and you wish to use it. If you install an add-in
FDC or the system has no floppy drive, select Disabled in this field. This
option allows you to select the onboard FDD port.
Onboard Serial/Parallel Port
These fields allow you to select the onboard serial and parallel ports and
their addresses. The default values for these ports are:
Serial Port 1 3F8/IRQ4
Serial Port 2 2F8/IRQ3
Parallel Port 378H/IRQ7
UART Mode Select
This field determines the UART 2 mode in your computer. The default
value is Normal. Other options include IrDA and ASKIR.
Parallel Port Mode
This field allows you to determine parallel port mode function.
SPP Standard Printer Port
EPP Enhanced Parallel Port
ECP Extended Capabilities Port
Power After PWR-Fail
This field refers to the power status (ON/Off) of the system when the
power returns to the system after power is cut off.
Onboard Lan Boot ROM
By default, the on board LAN boot ROM is enabled.