Intel IP Media Server Computer Hardware User Manual

18 IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo Guide — August 2005
Preparing to Run the Demo
# TxVAD = 0
# RxType = g711Alaw
# RxFramesPerPkt = 30
# RxVAD = 0
TxType = g711Mulaw
TxFramesPerPkt = 20
TxVAD = 0
RxType = g711Mulaw
RxFramesPerPkt = 20
RxVAD = 0
# TxType = t38UDPFax
Threshold = 20 # Threshold value
DebounceOn = 10000 # Threshold debounce ON
DebounceOff = 10000 # Threshold debounce OFF
Interval = 1000 # Threshold Time Interval (ms)
PercentSuccess = 60 # Threshold Success Percent
PercentFail = 40 # Threshold Fail Percent
Threshold = 60 # Threshold value
DebounceOn = 20000 # Threshold debounce ON
DebounceOff = 60000 # Threshold debounce OFF
Interval = 5000 # Threshold Time Interval (ms)
PercentSuccess = 60 # Threshold Success Percent
PercentFail = 40 # Threshold Fail Percent
# MediaAlarmResetAlarmState = 0
3.2 Compiling and Linking
Compile the IP Media Server (Global Call) demo project within one of the following environments:
To compile the IP Media Server (Global Call) demo on a Windows system, use Microsoft* Visual
Studio* 6.0 with Service Pack 5.
Set IPMediaServer as the active project and build.