Intel IP Media Server Computer Hardware User Manual

IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo Guide — August 2005 35
Demo Details
Board CIPTBoard
Interacts with the Global Call library to
handle IP virtual boards
Note: The public function in this class
should only be accessed by classes
inside the IP module.
Init( )
Opens IPT (virtual) board and sets board
Exit( )
Closes IPT (virtual) board
ProcessEvent( )
Processes IPT (virtual) board events
GetNumOfDevicesOnBoard( )
Returns the number of IPT devices
(signaling devices) on the board
Interacts with the Global Call library to
handle IP media boards
Note: The public functions in this class
should only be accessed by classes
inside the IP module.
Init( )
Opens IP media boards
Exit( )
Closes IP media boards
ProcessEvent( )
Processes IP media board events
GetNumOfDevices( )
Returns number of IPM devices on the
Table 9. IP Module Classes (Continued)
Category Class Name Interface