Intel MB898 Computer Hardware User Manual

MB898 User’s Manual 57
A. I/O Port Address Map
Each peripheral device in the system is assigned a set of I/O port
addresses that also becomes the identity of the device. The following
table lists the I/O port addresses used.
Address Device Description
000h - 01Fh DMA Controller #1
020h - 03Fh Interrupt Controller #1
040h - 05Fh Timer
060h - 06Fh Keyboard Controller
070h - 07Fh Real Time Clock, NMI
080h - 09Fh DMA Page Register
0A0h - 0BFh Interrupt Controller #2
0C0h - 0DFh DMA Controller #2
0F0h Clear Math Coprocessor Busy Signal
0F1h Reset Math Coprocessor
1F0h - 1F7h IDE Interface
278h - 27Fh Parallel Port #2(LPT2)
2F8h - 2FFh Serial Port #2(COM2)
2B0h - 2DFh Graphics adapter Controller
378h - 3FFh Parallel Port #1(LPT1)
360h - 36Fh Network Ports
3B0h - 3BFh Monochrome & Printer adapter
3C0h - 3CFh EGA adapter
3D0h - 3DFh CGA adapter
3F0h - 3F7h Floppy Disk Controller
3F8h - 3FFh Serial Port #1(COM1)