Intel TE430VX Computer Hardware User Manual

TE430VX MotherboardMotherboard Technical Product Specification
Table 13. Overview of the Setup Menu Screens
Setup Menu Screen Description
Main For setting up and modifying some of the basic options of a PC, such as time,
date, diskette drives, hard drives.
Advanced For modifying the more advanced features of a PC, such as peripheral
configuration and advanced chipset configuration.
Security For specifying passwords that can be used to limit access to the system.
Exit For saving or discarding changes.
Setup Subscreen Description
Floppy Options For configuring your diskette drives.
IDE Device Configuration For configuring your IDE devices.
Boot Options For modifying options that affect the system boot up, such as the boot
Peripheral Configuration For modifying options that affect the serial ports, the parallel port, and the disk
drive interfaces.
Advanced Chipset
For modifying options that affect memory and system busses.
Power Management
For accessing and modifying Advanced Power Management (APM) options.
Plug and Play
For modifying options that affect the system’s Plug and Play capabilities.
3.12.2 Main BIOS Setup Screen
This section describes the Setup options found on the main menu screen. If you select certain
options from the main screen (e.g., Hard Disk), the Setup program switches to a subscreen for the
selected option. System Date
Specifies the current date. Select the month from a pop-up menu. System Time
Specifies the current time. Floppy Options
When selected, this pops up the Floppy Options menu. Primary Master
Reports if an IDE device is connected to the system. When selected, this brings up the IDE Device
Configuration subscreen.