Intel TE430VX Computer Hardware User Manual

TE430VX MotherboardMotherboard Technical Product Specification
If and when more than 15 PCI conflict errors are detected the log full message is displayed.
<'PCI I/O Port Conflict:'>, \ ; String
<'PCI Memory Conflict: '>, \ ; String
<'PCI IRQ Conflict: '>, \ ; String
<' Bus '>, \ ; String
<', Device '>, \ ; String
<', Function '>, \ ; String
<‘,PCI Error Log is Full.'>, \ ; String
<'Floppy Disk Controller Resource Conflict '>, \ ; Text
<'Primary IDE Controller Resource Conflict '>, \ ; Text
<'Secondary IDE Controller Resource Conflict '>, \ ; Text
<'Parallel Port Resource Conflict '>, \ ; Text
<'Serial Port 1 Resource Conflict '>, \ ; Text
<'Serial Port 2 Resource Conflict '>, \ ; Text
4.3 BIOS Error Messages
Error Message Explanation
8042 Gate - A20 Error Gate A20 on the keyboard controller is not working.
Address Line Short! Error in the address decoding circuitry on the motherboard.
Cache Memory Bad, Do Not
Enable Cache!
Cache memory is defective.
CH-2 Timer Error There is an error in timer 2.
CMOS Battery State Low CMOS RAM is powered by a battery. The battery power is low. Replace
the battery.
CMOS Checksum Failure After CMOS RAM values are saved, a checksum value is generated for
error checking. The previous value is different from the current value.
Run Setup.
CMOS System Options Not Set The values stored in CMOS RAM are either corrupt or nonexistent. Run
CMOS Display Type Mismatch The video type in CMOS RAM does not match the type detected by the
BIOS. Run Setup.
CMOS Memory Size Mismatch The amount of memory on the motherboard is different than the
amount in CMOS RAM. Run Setup.
CMOS Time and Date Not Set Run Setup to set the date and time in CMOS RAM.
Diskette Boot Failure The boot disk in floppy drive A: is corrupt. It cannot be used to boot the
system. Use another boot disk and follow the screen instructions.