37 Chapter 5
Enable EWF:
Run OSLock, and then system reboot automatically.
Open those software that customers want to directly use after system
resume from hibernation.
Hibernate via Advantech HORM utility:
Please Click Start Menu->All Programs->Advantech->HORM
HORM environment remains all along unless the following events occur:
Run EWF commit command (ewfmgr c: -commit) and then reboot sys-
Select “Discard hibernation file” by clicking F8 when system is starting
Also, HORM cannot fit your system if free space in C partition is not
enough. The hibernation file required is dependent on the RAM size you
use on the system. In other words, the hibernation file is 512MB that is
the same as memory size used on TPC-1070H-P1E or TPC-1070H-C1E.
5.3 Advantech Utilities
TPC-1070 provides the useful utilities for users to configure the HORM
and EWF.
5.3.1 Version Information
Start menu-> All Programs -> Advantech
This states the current XPE runtime information including hardware plat-
form, version, build number, release date, XPE QFEs installed in compo-
nent database and XP Pro Patches you installed manually.