
Server IP Address — Enter the PPTP server address provided by your ISP.
WAN Connection Type: The two options are “DHCP” or “Static IP.” Select “Static” if your ISP
assigned you the IP address, and enter it here.
Primary DNS — Enter as directed by your Internet service provider.
Secondary DNS — Enter as directed by your Internet service provider
Physical Address Clone — You can click “MAC Clone” to copy the MAC address of your PC
so that it’s also the MAC address of this device (if required by your ISP).
Default Physical Address — The default MAC address is set to the WAN’s physical interface
MAC address on the router. It is recommended that you not change the default MAC address
unless it’s required by your ISP.
MTU — Enter a value for the largest packet size to be permitted for network transmission. The
default value of 1496 is recommended.
Apply — Click “Apply,” then “Save” to set and save any changes.
3.3 LAN Setup
The LAN Setup screen allows you to specify a private IP address for your router’s LAN ports
as well as a subnet mask for your LAN segment.
System IP address — This is the router’s LAN port IP address (your LAN clients’ default
gateway IP addresses).
Subnet Mask — Specify a subnet mask for your LAN segment.
DHCP Server on — Select to enable or disable the DHCP server. When enabled (“on”), the
router will automatically give your LAN clients an IP address. When not enabled/selected,
you’ll need to manually set your LAN clients’ IP addresses. NOTE: Make sure the LAN client
is in the same subnet as this broadband router if you want the router to be your LAN clients’
default gateway.
DHCP IP Pool — You can select a particular IP address range for your DHCP server to issue
IP addresses to your LAN clients. NOTE: By default the IP range is from to If you want your PC to have a static/xed IP address, then you’ll need to
choose an IP address outside this IP address pool.