Intellinet Network Solutions I-ISS-020 Network Router User Manual

Modem AT Command Settings
If your model is listed, simply select it , then the modem initial string will be configured
If your model is not listed, try “Standard” or “Standard 56K” modem
If it still not work, select “Other”. You will have to enter the modem initial strings, as described
below. (You have to refer to modem’s user manual to set these strings)
Initial String: Specifies the command to configure your modem or ISDN TA correctly
r String:
Specifies the command to set the modem or ISDN TA’s auto-answer mode
Seq. Code:
Specifies the code to change modem from data transmission to AT command mode
Specifies the command to hang-up phone call for modem
Dial String:
Specifies the command (sometimes called “Dial Prefix String”) to dial a phone call for modem
Login Script Configuration
If your ISP uses a scripting process for logging onto the network before starting a PPP connection, you
can do this with the login script. The login script lets you write a script that automatically logs in and starts
your PPP session as if you had typed the commands. Each line in the script waits for a prompt from the
host computer or sends a response to the host computer.
Login Script Settings
Enable Set “YES” to run script file before PPP takes over; set “NO” to run PPP directly
Line## The login script commands and some examples are described on Appendix A