Introducing IEEE 1394A and 1394B FireWire/Hi-Speed USB2.0
2.5" Hard Drive Enclosure-PHR-S250UAB
Thank you for choosing the PHR-S250UAB portable IEEE 1394A and 1394B
FireWire/Hi-Speed USB2.0 2.5" Hard Drive Enclosure. This portable size
enclosure support 2.5” SATA Hard drive. It is simple to install and comes with
all the parts you need to create a external IEEE 1394A and 1394B FireWire/
Hi-Speed USB2.0 device.
About This Guide
Before you begin using the PHR-S250UAB, be sure to read this manual in its
This guide contains:
• Introducing IEEE 1394A and 1394B FireWire/Hi-Speed USB2.0
2.5" Hard Drive Enclosure
• Hardware Installation
• Software Installation
System Requirements
For Mac
• Any Macintosh desktop or NoteBook computer with USB or
FireWire port ready
• MasOS X 10.1.x to 10.7.x and above
For PC
• Pentium II or compatible Desktop or Notebook with USB or
IEEE 1394A and 1394B FireWire port ready.
• WindowsXP, Windows Vista and Windows7
• USB2.0 port is required for Hi-Speed USB2.0 transfer speed
Using AC/DC Adapter (optional)
Basically, if you connect the PHR-S250UAB directly into built-in FireWire
or USB port, AC/DC adapter is not required. However
(1) if USB connection dose not response, or USB port is disable due
to power surge error message
(2) the PHR-S250UAB Enclosure is connected to a CardBus to
FireWire host adapter, or 4-pin iLink port AC/DC adapter is required.