&Zn=x n=0-3 Store telephone number x into non-volatile
%E_ %E0 V.22bis auto-retrain disabled
%E1 V.22bis auto-retrain enabled
%G_ %G0 Enable Auto Fall Forward/Back
%G1 Disable Auto Fall Forward/Back
3.5 MNP/V.42/V.42bis Commands
%An n=0- Set auto-reliable fallback character to n (where
127 n = 0 to 127,ASCII). Requires the \C2 setting
%C_ %C0 Disable MNP Class 5 data compression
%C1 Enable MNP Class 5 data compression
\A_ \A0 64-character maximum MNP block size
\A1 128-character maximum MNP block size
\A2 192-character maximum MNP block size
\A3 256-character maximum MNP block size
\Bn n=1-9 Send a 1/10 second line break to the modem,
where n = 1 to 9. At normal connect, the
default is 3
\C_ \C0 Do not buffer data during LAPM/MNP
\C1 Buffer all data for 4 seconds, until receiving
200 characters or until a packet is detected
\C2 Do not buffer data; switch to normal mode
when fallback character is detected
\G_ \G0 Disable DCE flow control
\G1 Enable DCE flow control
\J_ J0 Disable serial port data rate adjustment
(keep high data rate between DTE and
modem, regardless of modem-to-modem
data rate)
J1 Enable serial port data rate adjustment so
serial data rate automatically adjusts to match
the modem-to-modem data rate
\Kn n=0-5 Set break control, where n= 0 to 5. Default
is 5
\N_ \N0 Normal data-link only
\N1 Direct data-link only
\N2 MNP data link only
\N3 V.42/MNP/Normal data link