Milan Technology MIL-S1600 Switch User Manual

Figure 5-8. The switch supports two different trunks providing up to 6
ports on each trunk.
The example above shows that Trunk 1 includes ports (1& 9), ports (2 &
10), ports (3 & 11), six ports in all. The second trunk, Trunk 2 has ports
(7 & 15) and ports (8 & 16) using 4 ports. You can choose different ports
by pressing the “Space” bar for the various options. After making your
choices, type ”S” to save the trunked ports.
Load Default Setup
If you want to delete all changes made to the original configuration you can
choose the fifth item on the Main Menu, “ Load Default Setup". All changes
to the switch configuration are erased and all options go back to default or
the original factory settings. Be aware that as soon as you select option 5,
all configurations are lost.
Apply current configuration
Item six must be selected if you want any of the configuration changes made
to take affect. If you do not select this item, all configuration changes will be