Chemical Resistance
Mitsubishi Electric, MA00816 13
4 Chemical Resistance
4.1 Metal Casing
The frame and casing material is powder-coated aluminum. This powder paint
withstands exposure of up to 24 hours duration to the following chemicals without
visible change:
4.2 Keyboard and Display
4.2.1 Display Surface
The display surface on the operator terminal withstands exposure of more than 24
hours duration to the following chemicals without visible change:
Ammonia 25% Isopropyl alcohol Nitric acid 3%
De-ionized water Tap water Chlorhydric acid 10%
Butanol Cooling liquid 50% Washer fluid 33%
Citric acid 10% Ligroin Sulphuric acid 20%
Diesel Cooking oil Turpentine
Ethanol 99.5% denaturated Lactic acid 10% Urea saturated
FAM-Normal petrol Sodium di-chromate
Hydroperoxide 3%
Alcohol 95% Caustic soda 5% Acetic acid 10%
Phosphoric acid 43% Sodium hypochlorite
Glycol Sodium carbonate 10% -
Industrial petrol Sodium chloride 20% -
Acetic acid <5% Dichloromethane Nitric acid
(specific gravity 1.42)
Glacial acetic acid
(specific gravity 1.05)
Di-ethylether Nitric acid <40%
Ethyl acetate Di-isobutylene Oleic acid
Acetone Di-methyl hormamide Olive oil
Aqueous ammonia
(specific gravity 0.9)
Ethyl alcohol <95% Pure water
Aqueous ammonia <10% 2-ethyl hexoic acid Seawater
Benzene Hydrochloric acid <35% Sodium carbonate <20%
Carbon tetrachloride Hydrogen peroxide <28% Sodium hypochlorite <10%
Caustic soda <48% Isopropyl alcohol Sulfuric acid
(specific gravity 1.84)
Citric acid Kerosene Sulfuric acid <30%
Cotton seed oil Methy alcohol Toluene