Mitsubishi Electronics MAM-GM24 Modem User Manual

3.6 Connection to the Telephone Network (only AM series)
Connection to telephone network (PSTN) is established via the included telephone cable and
the “Line” jack of the MAM.
To get access to your Mitsubishi Alarm Modem, the telephone number of the connection used
must be known.
3.6.1 Testing the Telephone Connection
In order to check the telephone number ofthe connection used, plug a telephone into the appro
priate socket and dial the number by another telephone, or froma mobile. If the telephone at the
appropriate socket rings, the number is correct.
Inorder tocheck ifthe telephoneconnection supports theCLIPfeature, dialfrom theappropriate
connection to another telephone. If the calling number is shown at the called partys end, the
CLIP feature is supported.
If this is the case, your Mitsubishi Alarm Modem may send messages via phone, may be called
for remote connections or even may trigger events by the calling number transmitted.
3.6.2 The CLIP Feature
Additionally, for triggering events by calling number identification, the CLIPfeature (recognizing
incoming call numbers) ofthe connection used must be enabled.For details on this,please con-
tact your telephone service provider.
3.6.3 Telephone Exchange System
When connecting to a telephone exchange (PABX), take care if an outside line prefix is neces
sary, and check with your telephone system documentation if the CLIP feature is supported.
Connection to the Telephone Network (only AM series) Installation and Mounting
Abb. 3-9
The Mitsubishi Alarm
Modem supports the a/b
leads (3 and 4).