Mitsubishi Electronics WD720U Projector User Manual

Basic operation (continued)
• TheMAGNIFYmodecannotbeusedwhenviewing
3D contents on the projector.
• Itmayoccurthattheimagemaynotbeenough3D
image because setting such as fluorescent lighting
may occur loss of synchronism of glasses.
• 3Dimagemaynotappearonthescreendepending
on the PC performance such as graphics board,
memory, or CPU.
• Thesignalsspeciedinthetableonpage60
can be displayed with viewing 3D contents on
the projector. If a different signal is inputted, the
projector shows no 3D contents even with the 3D
option set to On in the Picture menu.
• IfDVDisrunby480psignals,3Dimagemaynotbe
displayed correctly depending on the DVD player.
• When3Dimageisprojectedonthescreenin
PC, the image may not appear on the screen.
Notes on danger to public health during watching
3D image
• Stopviewingthe3Dimageimmediatelyifyoufeel
tired, discomfort, or any other abnormality. It may
cause you to feel unwell if continuing to watch the
3D image in such cases. Please take the necessary
rest, do not continue watch the 3D image for a long
time. Stop using the 3D glasses if you can clearly
see double images when viewing 3D content.
Prolonged use may cause eyesight fatigue.
• Thefollowingpeopleneedtorefrainfromuseas
with 2D image.
• aphotosensitivepatient
• apatientwithheartdisease
• apersoninpoorphysicalcondition
• asleepyperson
• averytiredperson
• adrunkperson
• children
• Whenwatching3Dmovies,takeanappropriate
break after watching a movie. When watching 3D
content on interactive devices such as 3D games
or computers, take an appropriate break every
• Whenyoufeeluncomfortable,stopviewing
3D images and playing 3D games until you are
restored. If necessary, consult a doctor. Also,
stop driving a car until you are restored (for about
2 hours). The period to restore varies with the
• Asaguide,3Dglassesshouldnotbeusedby
children younger than 5 - 6 years old. As it is
difficult to judge younger children’s reactions to
fatigue or discomfort, their physical condition may
deteriorate suddenly. When this product is being
used by a child, the parent or guardian should
check to ensure that the child’s eyes are not
becoming tired.
• Whenviewingthepicturesthatrolloverand
shake or many dynamic pictures, if you feel
uncomfortable, please look at another place.
• Whenviewingcontentswithmovementssuchas
rotation, or horizontal or vertical oscillation, you
may feel as if you are actually moving. If such a
feeling results in discomfort, look away from the
• Whenusingthe3Dglasses,becarefulnottostrike
the screen or other people by mistake. As the
images are in 3D, you may mistake the distance
from the screen, causing to strike the screen which
may result in injury. When using the 3D glasses,
do not place breakable objects near the glasses.
You may move by mistaking the 3D objects you are
viewing as the real objects, causing damages to
surrounding objects that may lead to injury.
• Whenusingthe3Dglasses,makesureyoureyes
are on an approximate horizontal level. If you
suffer from myopia (short sightedness), hyperopia
(far-sightedness), astigmatism, or have eyesight
differences between the left and right eyes, please
use corrective glasses or other such methods to
correct your eyesight before putting on the 3D
• Whenyouviewthe3Dimages,keepadistance
from the screen of about three times the effective
height of the screen.