Multi-Tech Systems MT5600BA-V92 Modem User Manual

Chapter 3 – Voice Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. AT Commands Reference Guide (S000273G) 31
+VTS Examples: Example 1
This example illustrates tone generation without using any null elements.
The command example is followed by a description of command execution.
AT+VTS= {!,30},1,2,[1000,1300,50],!,{*,6},[800,1300,50],9
1. Hookflash with a duration of 300 ms.
2. Play DTMF 1 with a duration given by the +VTD command.
3. Play DTMF 2 with a duration given by the +VTD command.
4. Play tone pair at 1 000 Hz and 1 300 Hz with a duration of 500 ms.
5. Hookflash with a duration given by the +VTD command.
6. Play DTMF * with a duration of 60 ms.
7. Play tone pair at 800 Hz and 1300 Hz with a duration of 500 ms.
8. Play DTMF 9 with a duration given by the +VTD command.
Example 2
This example illustrates tone generation using null elements.
The command example is followed by a description of command execution.
1. Play DTMF 1 with a duration given by the +VTD command.
2. Play DTMF 2 with a duration given by the +VTD command.
3. Play tone pair at 1000 Hz and 1300 Hz with a duration of 500 ms.
4. Play tone pair at 800 Hz with a duration given by the +VTD command.
5. Play DTMF 9 with a duration given by the +VTD command.
Example 3
This example illustrates tone generation using null elements and periods of silence.
The command example is followed by a description of command execution.
AT+VTS=1,[,,50],2,[ ],9
1. Play DTMF 1 with a duration given by the +VTD command.
2. Play silence with a duration of 500 ms.
3. Play DTMF 2 with a duration given by the +VTD command.
4. Play silence with a duration given by the +VTD command.
5. Play DTMF 9 with a duration given by the +VTD command.
Command +VTX Start Modem Transmit (Playback)
Description: This command causes the modem to start the voice transmission process.
Syntax: +VTX
Default: None
Result Codes: CONNECT. The modem accepts the command.
ERROR. The modem is not connected to at least one off-hook telephone line or one non-
telephone line.
Command: +VGR Voice Gain Receive (Record Gain)
Description: This command causes the modem to set the gain for received voice samples.
Syntax: +VGR=<gain> selects automatic gain control. Range 0-255
Default: 128
Result Codes: OK <gain> = 0.
ERROR. Otherwise, or if not in Voice Mode.
Report Commands: +VGR? Reports current or selected values.
+VGR=? Reports supported range of parameter values.
Command: +VGT Voice Gain Transmit (Playback Volume)
Description: This command causes the modem to set the volume level.
Syntax: +VGT=<level>.
Values: <level> Decimal number corresponding to the volume level. Range = 0-255.
Default: 128
Report Commands: +VGT? Reports current of selected values.
+VGT=? Reports supported range of parameter values.