Chapter 8 – Setting Country Codes
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. SocketModem MT5600SMI Developer’s Guide 114
Chapter 8 – Setting Country Codes
The Default Country Code is B5.
If You Want to Change the Country Code
1. View the List of Available Country Codes by executing the command AT+GCI=?<CR>
2. Set and save the country code by executing the command AT+GCI=nn<CR>
Note: nn is the country code.
3. OK is displayed.
4. The country code is then displayed (see the example below).
To Verify the Country Code
1. Type AT+GCI?<CR>, or you can
type ATI5<CR>
1. Type the command AT+GCI=B5<CR>
2. Verify B5 was set by typing AT+GCI?<CR> or ATI5<CR>
3. B5 indicates the configuration is set for any B5 country such as Canada or the United
States, etc.
Country Codes Supported
The list below describes the country code settings for the countries that Multi-Tech currently supports.
Country Country Code Country Country Code
Argentina 07
Australia 09
Austria FD
Belgium FD
Canada B5
China B5
Cyprus FD
Czech Republic FD
Denmark FD
Finland FD
France FD
Germany FD
Greece FD
Hong Kong 99
Hungary FD
Iceland FD
Indonesia 99
Ireland FD
Italy FD
Japan 00
Korea B5
Liechtenstein FD
Luxembourg FD
Mexico B5
Netherlands FD
New Zealand 7E
Norway FD
Philippines B5
Portugal FD
Slovak Republic FD
Spain FD
Sweden FD
Switzerland FD
Taiwan FE
United Kingdom FD
United States B5