Appendix B – Product Approvals, Regulatory Design Considerations, and Regulatory Compliance
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. SocketModem MT5600SMI Developer’s Guide 126
Current Label Content and Format as of August 2003
Approved terminal equipment and approved protective circuitry shall prominently display the
following information using the format shown below:
· Responsible party
· Product Identification
· Equipment Code
· Ringer Equivalence
· Ringer Type
· Indication that the product meets the requirements of 47 CFR Part 68
The information required by the first five items shall correspond to the records in the ACTA
database of approved equipment. The required information shall be encoded in the following
format: US:AAAEQ##Txxxx
· US is a fixed field that indicates the equipment meets all requirements of 47
CFR Part 68 (including the requirements published by ACTA).
· AAA is the responsible party’s Grantee Code obtained previously from the
FCC’s Common Carrier Bureau or currently from ACTA.
· EQ is an Equipment Code indicating to the Service Provider any special signal
handling or billing requirements. The Equipment codes are listed in Annex A
· ## is the Ringer Equivalence Number without a decimal point (e.g. REN of 1.0 =
10, REN of 0.3 = 03). In the case of a “Z” ringer, ZZ shall appear. In the case of
approved equipment without a network interface and equipment not connecting
to circuits with analog ringing supplied then “NA” shall appear.
· T is the ringer type letter associated with the Ringer Equivalence Number, in
accordance with the technical requirements. In the case of approved equipment
without a network interface and equipment not connecting to circuits with analog
ringing supplied, the letter “N” shall appear.
· xxxx is a product identifier, unique when combined with the responsible party’s
Grantee Code, of at least one and up to nine alphanumeric characters (including
one or more dashes (-) if desired. A dash shall not appear as the first or last
character nor shall the identifier consist entirely of dashes). The responsible
party shall define this identifier.
Label Physical Characteristics
The information required above shall be permanently affixed and legible without
magnification. It may be etched, engraved, stamped, indelibly printed or otherwise
permanently marked. Alternatively, the required information may be permanently marked on
a nameplate of metal, plastic or other material fastened to the enclosure by welding, riveting
or with a permanent adhesive. Such a nameplate shall be able to last for the expected
lifetime of the equipment and shall not be readily detachable.
Labeling Continuity and Changes
The labeling content and format requirements in effect when a product was approved shall be
effective for the life of the product. The labeling content and format requirements in effect at
approval shall also continue to be effective for modified products. However, the responsible
party shall have the option of conforming a product's labeling to current content and format
requirements at any time.
Other Label Requirements
The label shall be placed in one of the following locations in a location where it can be found
after installation:
· on an outside surface
· inside a readily available access door or panel
· on another readily accessible surface
For example, the label should not be placed on the rear of a permanently wall-mounted
device in a manner such that it is not readily accessible.