
Chapter 2 – Fax Class 1 and 1.0 Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. SocketModem MT5634SMIxx Reference Guide (S000263C) 43
Command: +FPR Fixed DTE Rate
Description: This numeric extended-format parameter specifies the data rate at which the
modem will accept commands during on-line operation. It may be used to
select operation at rates at which the modem is not capable of automatically
detecting the data rate being used by the DTE. Specifying a value of 0
disables the function and allows operation only at rates automatically
detectable by the modem. The specified rate takes effect following the
issuance of any result code(s) associated with the current command line.
The <rate> specified does not apply in Online Data State if Normal Mode
(Direct Mode) of operation is selected.
Syntax: +FPR=<rate code>
Defined Values: <rate code> Specifies the DTE-modem interface operation rate in bits/s with a
rate code. The available rate codes are:
0 Automatic detection (default)
1 2400 bits/s (executes +IPR=2400)
2 4800 bits/s (executes +IPR=4800)
4 9600 bits/s (executes +IPR=9600)
8 19200 bits/s (executes +IPR=19200)
10 38400 bits/s (executes +IPR=38400)
18 57400 bits/s (executes +IPR=57400)
If unspecified or set to 0, automatic detection is selected and the character
format is also forced to autodetect, +ICF=0.
If the rate specified is not supported by the modem, an ERROR result code
will be returned.
Reporting Current or Selected Values:
Command: +FPR?
Response: <rate code>
Example 1: 0 For automatic rate detection.
Example 2: 18 For 57600 bits/s.
Reporting Supported Range of Parameter Values:
Command: +FPR=?
Response: (<rate code> range)
Example: (0,1,2,4,8,10,18)
Command: +FMI? Request Manufacturer Identification
Description This command causes the modem to report the modem product manufacturer.
Syntax: +FMI?
Typical Response: Multi-Tech
Command: +FMM? Request Model Identification
Description: This command causes the modem to report the modem product model.
Syntax: +FMM?
Typical Response: V90
Command: +FMR? Request Revision Identification
Description: This command causes the modem to transmit one or more lines of information
text identifying the modem version, revision level, or date.
Syntax: +FMR?
Typical Response: V3.001-V90_2M_DLS