Multi-Tech Systems MultiVOIPTM Fax Machine User Manual

MultiVOIP User Guide Index
Gatekeeper Discovery Polling Interval
(H.323 Call Signaling) field...... 111
gatekeeper interaction
E1 models ............................. 18, 19
T1 models ............................. 10, 11
Gatekeeper IP Address (H.323 Call
Signaling) field ......................... 110
Gatekeeper Name (H.323 Call
Signaling) fields........................ 110
GateKeeper RAS Parameters... 110,
Gateway (Ethernet/IP Parameters)
field............................................. 69
Gateway H.323 ID (Outbound
Phonebook) field
T1...................................... 179, 222
Gateway Name (callee, statistics,
logs) field.................................. 269
Gateway Name (caller, statistics, logs)
field........................................... 269
Gateway Name (Ethernet/IP
Parameters) field.........................69
Gateway Number, From Details
(RADIUS Attributes) field........ 163
Gateway Number, From Details
(SMTP logs) field ..................... 138
Gateway Number, To Details
(RADIUS Attributes) field........ 163
Gateway Number, To Details (SMTP
logs) field.................................. 138
Gateway Prefix (outbound
phonebook) field
E1.............................................. 222
T1.............................................. 179
General Options fields.................. 118
Generate Local Dial Tone
(Voice/FAX – AutoCall/Offhook
Alert) field ..................................84
Generation Time field
E1.............................................. 105
T1................................................ 97
GK Name (H.323 Gatekeepers,
Statistics, Servers) field ............ 291
in rack installations.....................34
GUI (log reporting type) button.... 142
H.245 Tunneling field................... 112
compatibility (E1 models)...........18
compatibility (T1 models)...........10
H.323 Annex E field .....................113
H.323 Call Signaling Parameter
definitions .........109, 111, 112, 113
H.323 Call Signaling screen fields
Allow Incoming Calls Through
Gatekeeper Only ...................109
Alternate GK 1 and 2 ................110
Annex E (H.323, UDP
Gatekeeper Discovery Polling
H.245 Tunneling .......................112
H.323 Multiplexing...................112
Parallel H.245 (Tunneling with Fast
Primary GK...............................110
RAS TTL Value........................111
H.323 Call Signaling screen fields
Register with GateKeeper .........109
Signaling Port............................109
Use Fast Start............................109
H.323 Call Signaling screen fields
Gatekeeper IP Address..............110
H.323 Call Signaling screen fields
RAS Port (Gatekeeper) .............110
H.323 Call Signaling screen fields
Gatekeeper Name......................110
H.323 Call Signaling screen fields
Gateway Name..........................110
Primary GK (Gatekeeper ..............110
H.323 coder.....................................81
H.323 fields (Outbound Phonebook)
H.323 Gatekeepers (Statistics,
GK Name ..................................291
IP Address.................................291
Priority ......................................291
Type ..........................................291
H.323 Multiplexing field...............112
H.323 Port Number (outbound
phonebook) field