© National Instruments Corporation 3 NI USB-6008/6009 User Guide and Specifications
Safety Guidelines
Caution Operate the hardware only as described in these operating instructions.
The following section contains important safety information that you must
follow when installing and using the NI USB-6008/6009.
Do not operate the NI USB-6008/6009 in a manner not specified in this
document. Misuse of the device can result in a hazard. You can compromise
the safety protection built into the device if the device is damaged in any
way. If the device is damaged, contact National Instruments for repair.
Do not substitute parts or modify the device except as described in this
document. Use the device only with the chassis, modules, accessories, and
cables specified in the installation instructions. You must have all covers
and filler panels installed during operation of the device.
Do not operate the device in an explosive atmosphere or where there may
be flammable gases or fumes. If you must operate the device in such an
environment, it must be in a suitably rated enclosure.
If you need to clean the device, use a dry cloth. Make sure that the device
is completely dry and free from contaminants before returning it to service.
Operate the device only at or below Pollution Degree 2. Pollution is foreign
matter in a solid, liquid, or gaseous state that can reduce dielectric strength
or surface resistivity. The following is a description of pollution degrees:
• Pollution Degree 1 means no pollution or only dry, nonconductive
pollution occurs. The pollution has no influence.
• Pollution Degree 2 means that only nonconductive pollution occurs in
most cases. Occasionally, however, a temporary conductivity caused
by condensation must be expected.
• Pollution Degree 3 means that conductive pollution occurs, or dry,
nonconductive pollution occurs that becomes conductive due to
You must insulate signal connections for the maximum voltage for which
the device is rated. Do not exceed the maximum ratings for the device. Do
not install wiring while the device is live with electrical signals. Do not
remove or add connector blocks when power is connected to the system.
Avoid contact between your body and the connector block signal when hot
swapping modules. Remove power from signal lines before connecting
them to or disconnecting them from the device.