NEC MultiSync P750 Computer Monitor User Manual

FastFacts information is an easy-to-use, automated facsimile
service that provides you with information whenever you need it,
24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can call FastFacts
information with your touchtone telephone, order a catalog listing
the available documents or order the document you need. Within
minutes, your requested information will be sent to your fax
machine. The information includes:
- product brochures
- installation procedures
- quick reference guides
- troubleshooting information
- compatibility charts
To contact FastFacts information, dial (800) 366-0476.
Technical Support
If the problem persists, call your authorized NEC dealer or
service center or NEC Technologies, Inc. MultiSync
technical support at (800) 632-4662. Before you call, please
follow these instructions to allow for faster service:
- Call from a location at or near your monitor.
- Know the name and model number of your monitor:
Monitor JC-1744UMA
- Know the name and model number of the computer you are using and
have its manual nearby.
Know the name of the display card you are using and have its manual nearby
If it is more convenient to fax a question to NEC’s technical
support, the fax number is (508) 635-4666.
The NEC Remote Bulletin Board System (BBS) is a great way to
keep in touch with NEC. It is an electronic service accessible with
your system and a modem. You can tell us things about yourself,
your experience with the product and leave messages requesting
on-line help. Also, the BBS keeps you up-to-date on the latest
NEC products and lets you download new product information
when it’s available.
To contact the BBS using any computer with a modem, dial
(508) 635-4706.
Communications parameters are:
300/1200/2400/9600/14.4k/28.8k bps, no parity,
8-data bits, 1 stop bit
Electronic Channels
Additional information and technical support can be obtained by
accessing the following electronic channels:
Internet E-mail
Internet ftp site
CompuServe go NECTECH
America Online keyword NECTECH
World Wide Web