NETGEAR RT328 Network Router User Manual

Reference Guide for the Model RT328 and Model RH348 ISDN Routers
Troubleshooting 10-3
The following two sections explain how to examine the ISDN initialization results and how to
perform an ISDN loopback test to verify operation with the phone company.
ISDN Initialization or Reset
During the power-on initialization, during manual ISDN reset through the diagnostic menu, or
when attempting to save the parameters entered in Menu 2, you might receive this message:
Failed to initialize ISDN
If this message is displayed, check the error log in Menu 24.3.1. There is a log entry for the ISDN
initialization failure in the message:
ISDN init failed. code<n>....
The code number n will be 1, 2, or 3. Refer to the corresponding instructions in Table 10-1.
ISDN Loopback Test
If the ISDN initialization has passed, the loopback test should also pass. This test may be executed
from Menu 24.4, where it is shown as test 4, ISDN Connection Test. If test 4 fails, verify the phone
numbers that you entered in Menu 2. The loopback test dials the number entered in the second
phone # field (except for switch types with only one phone number). If you are required to dial
a prefix (for example, 9) to get an outside line, you must enter the prefix with the phone number
(for example, 95551212 or 914085551212). If it is an internal line, you might need to enter only
the last four or five digits depending on your internal dialing plan (for example, 51212).
Table 10-1. Code Numbers for Failed ISDN Initialization
Number Description Malfunction and Troubleshooting Instructions
1 The ISDN link is not up. Either the ISDN line is not properly connected to the router or the
ISDN line is not activated. Verify that the ISDN cable is connected
to the router and also to the wall outlet (to the telephone
company). Confirm that the ISDN line has been activated by
the telephone company.
2 There is an SPID error
(North America only).
The SPIDs that you entered in menu 2 might not be correct.
If these are correct, initialize again from menu 24.4.3.
3 There is a general failure. The provisioning information for your switch might not be correct.
Contact your telephone company to verify the provisioning
information for your switch and verify the SPIDs in Menu 2
(applies to North America only). Page 3 Tuesday, October 10, 2000 3:27 PM