NETGEAR RT328 Network Router User Manual

Reference Guide for the Model RT328 and Model RH348 ISDN Routers
Troubleshooting 10-7
Troubleshooting the Manager Interface
Refer to the following instructions if you cannot access the Manager interface by the serial port
or by using the Telnet Protocol.
If you cannot access the Manager interface by the serial port, follow these instructions:
Verify that the router is connected to the serial port of your terminal or computer using
the included cable.
Check the configuration parameters of your terminal or communications program. The
connection should be configured as follows:
VT100 terminal emulation
9600 baud rate (unless this setting has been changed previously in the router setup)
No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
If you cannot access the Manager by using the Telnet Protocol, refer to “Testing the LAN Path to
Your Router,” on page 10-4.
Testing the Phone Ports
To test the phone ports, lift the telephone handset when there are no calls in progress. You should
hear a dial tone, and the LED for that phone port should be on. If there is no dial tone, the line may
be configured incorrectly. Check with your telephone company to make sure that your ISDN line is
configured for both data and voice.
Restoring the Default Configuration and Password
The user can erase the current configuration and restore factory defaults by uploading the utility
file romfile0, which can be found in the directory in which FirstGear was installed. It is also
available on the NETGEAR Web site. This procedure will restore the Manager password to 1234
and will set the Manager baud rate to 9600. This recovery method is for cases when the Manager
password is not known. Page 7 Tuesday, October 10, 2000 3:27 PM