Volume Configuration
ReadyNAS OS 6.1
4. Click the Add Parity button next to a volume that allows or requires additional protection.
A pop-up screen appears and asks you to confirm your decision.
5. Click the Y
es button.
Your data protection is increased in the background while you continue to use your
storage system.
You can continue to use your ReadyNAS system while the extra disks are incorporated in
the background.
The process of increasing data protection can take several hours. If you
set up email notifications for your system, you receive an email message when the
process finishes. For more information about alert notifications, see Configure System
Alerts on page 169.
Maintain Volumes
This section covers volume maintenance. Volumes can be srcubbed to check for errors and
defragmented to improve disk performance.
Scrub a Volume
Scrubbing cleans and validates all data on a volume and checks the volume for errors. No
data is deleted. Folders, LUNs, and snapshots on the volume remain intact.
Note: Scrubbing is not an erase function.
To scrub a volume:
1. Select System > V
2. Select the volume that you want to scrub.