Netopia D7100 SDSL Network Router User Manual

D-120 User’s Reference Guide
HD-15 V.35
Pin 1 Pin A (not used)
Pin 2 Pin B Signal Ground
Pin 3 Pin C Request to Send
Pin 4 Pin D Clear to Send
Pin 5 Pin E Data Set Ready
Pin 6 Pin F Data Carrier Detect
Pin 7 Pin H Data Terminal Ready
Pin 8 Pin J (not used)
Pin 9 Pin K (not used)
Pin 10 Pin L (not used)
Pin 11 Pin M (not used)
Pin 12 Pin N (not used)
Pin 13 Pin P Transmit Data (P)
Pin 14 Pin R Receive Data (P)
Pin 15 Pin S Transmit Data (N)
Pin T Receive Data (N)
Pin U Ext. Transmit Clock (P)
Pin V Receive Clock (P)
Pin W Ext. Transmit Clock (N)
Pin X Receive Clock (N)
Pin Y Transmit Clock (P)
Pin Z (not used)
Pin AA Transmit Clock (N)
Pin BB (not used)
Pin CC (not used)
Pin DD (not used)
Pin EE (not used)
Pin FF (not used)
Pin HH (not used)
Pin JJ (not used)
Pin KK (not used)
Pin LL (not used)
Pin MM (not used)
Pin NN (not used)