Nlynx ZWA-G120 Network Router User Manual

To upgrade firmware, just assign the file name with full path then click
“Upload” button as the following page.
Memory Limitation
To make sure the device have enough memory to upload firmware,
the system will check the capacity of free memory, if the device lack of
memory to upload firmware, please temporarily turn-off some functions
then reboot the device to get enough memory for firmware uploading.
Configuration Data Backup & Restore
Rest Setting to Factory Default Value
Since the device is designed for outdoor used, there is no interface
outside the housing to reset the configuration value to the factory
default value. The device provides the Web-Browser interface to rest
the configuration data. After resetting it, the current configuration data
will be lost and restored to factory default value.
Saving & Restoring Configuration Data
To save & restore configuration data of device, just assign the target
filename with full path at your local host, then you can backup
configuration data to local host or restore configuration data to the