Ideas for Using Printer Features
Note: For detailed information on
these features, see your on-line
User’s Guide
Secure Print Feature
ᮣ Ideal for printing confidential
documents on a network system.
When printing special media, use this
feature to prevent documents being
sent by other clients on the network
from printing on your media:
• Create your document and store it in
the printer’s memory.
• Load the special media.
• Start printing the document by
accessing it through the front panel
(see page 18).
Proof & Print Feature
ᮣ Use Proof & Print to proof your
document before printing
multiple copies.
For the latest information and ideas
for your printer, go to
Overlays (Forms)
Note: Overlay elements must be
created in your software
application, then sorted on the
printer’s hard drive using OKI
Storage Device Manager
before they can be used.
ᮣ Great for adding logos, addresses,
letterheads, etc., to your
document, in any combination.
Use overlays:
• in place of pre-printed stationery.
• to create forms from pre-stored
modular pieces.
Share Your Ideas!
Have you been using your OKI color
printer’s features in a creative way?
Please share your ideas with us!
• Go to my.okidata.com and click
Contact Us.
• Write us at:
Training & Publications Dept.
Oki Data Americas, Inc.
2000 Bishops Gate Blvd.
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054-4620