Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in
this document is complete, accurate, and up-to-date. Oki
assumes no responsibility for the results of errors beyond its
control. Oki also cannot guarantee that changes in software
and equipment made by other manufacturers and referred to
in this guide will not affect the applicability of the information
in it. Mention of software products manufactured by other
companies does not necessarily constitute endorsement by
© 1995 by Oki. All rights reserved.
First edition January 1996.
Written and produced by the Documentation Department.
Oki and Microline are registered trademarks of Oki Electric
Industry Company, Ltd.
Energy Star is a trademark of the United States Environmental
Protection Agency.
Epson is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business
Machines Corp.
Energy Star
As an Energy Star Partner, Oki
has determined that this product
meets the Energy Star guidelines
for energy efficiency.
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