OPL 9712
Specifications Manual
The scanning range follows a rectilinear path and expands in the shape of an arc while
centering (focusing) on a distant virtual reference point.
PCS Resolution (mm) Decode Depth (mm)
0.9 1.0 60–300
0.5 35–210
0.25 35–120
0.15 35–70
Resolution Symbology PCS Digit
1.0 mm Code 39 0.9 1
0.5 mm Code 39 0.9 3
0.25 mm Code 39 0.9 8
0.15 mm Code 39 0.9 10
Scan angle 54° (reading range is 44°)
Detect angle 40°
Barcode sample Resolution 0.25 mm: OPTOELECTRONICS test sample. Code 39,
9 digits
Distance Within 90 mm from the minimum scannable distance
Note: dirt or scratches on the mask will degrade scanning performance. Always handle
the data collector carefully.
Barcode Sample: OPTOELECTRONICS Test Sample
N/W Ratio: 1:2.5
Angle: α = 0°, β = 15°, γ = 0°
Curvature: R = ∞