Oracle Audio Technologies 9i Server User Manual
Property Files 10-29
with a translation table to convert a target entity into an appropriate string. It in the
WE_HOME/server/classes/oracle/panama/adapter/stripper directory.
Table 1023 Parameters of the File
After retrieving content, the stripper adapter calls a Java class to process the
markup tags in the content. The stripper adapter locates the processing classes, or
strip levels, that are available to it in the file.
Table 1024 Strip Processing Classes
# Classes used for stripping
# Strip nothing
stripper.strip0 = oracle.panama.adapter.stripper.Strip0
# Strip everything
stripper.strip1 = oracle.panama.adapter.stripper.Strip1
# Translation table for translating "⌖" entities => String
# Does not recurse - e.g. ⌖ will not work
oracle.panama.adapter.stripper.Strip1.useTranslationTable = true
oracle.panama.adapter.stripper.Strip1.targets = auml Auml aring Aring
ouml Ouml amp Amp nbsp euml Euml #150
oracle.panama.adapter.stripper.Strip1.targets.auml = ä
oracle.panama.adapter.stripper.Strip1.targets.Auml = Ä
Key Type Editable Description
stripper.useProxy Boolean Y Enables the use of a proxy server. The
default is true.
stripper.proxyServe Host
Y Name of the proxy server. The default is
stripper.proxyPort Integer Y Port number of the proxy server. The
default is 80.
stripper.noProxySuffixes Host
Y Name of any proxy suffix to be specified.
The default is
Level Description Implementing Class
0 Retains all tags in the content. Strip0
1 Strips all tags from the content. Strip1