Alerts and SMS Request Listener 3-1
Alerts and SMS Request Listener
Alerts and SMS Request Listener discusses alerts and the SMS Request Listener in
Wireless Edition. Each section of this document presents a different topic. These
sections include:
■ Section 3.1, "Overview"
■ Section 3.2, "Alerts"
■ Section 3.3, "SMS Request Listener"
■ Section 3.4, "Request and Notification Queue Pool"
3.1 Overview
Alerts, in the Wireless Edition, are time-based scheduled services. Alerts are
executed when the scheduled time expires. The result, if any, after the service is
executed, is delivered to the end user at the default alert address. The Wireless
Edition can accept either email or phone numbers as the alert address. If the default
alert address is an email address, the result is delivered as an email message. If the
default alert address is a phone number, the result is delivered as a SMS. The alert
Important: In this document WE_HOME is the directory in which
Wireless Edition is installed followed by the "panama"
sub-directory. For example:
c:\ias10210\panama (Windows)
/private/ias10210/panama (UNIX)
Replace "WE_HOME" with the fully-qualified directory path.