3. Configuration Options
3-42 December 2002 9000-A2-GB31-00
Configuring the DSX-1 Interface (9126, 9128)
Select DSX-1 to display or change the physical configuration options when a
DSX-1 interface is installed (see Table 3-19, DSX-1 Physical Interface Options).
Main Menu→Configuration→DSX-1
Table 3-19. DSX-1 Physical Interface Options (1 of 2)
Interface Status
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting:Disable
Specifies whether the DSX-1 interface selected is available for use.
Enable – The interface is available.
Disable – The interface is not available for use. If there are time slots assigned to the
DSX-1 interface when you attempt to disable it, the message This action will
clear all DSX-1 Cross Connections. Are You Sure? No
appears. If you
No – The operation is cancelled.
Yes – The following occurs:
All existing DSX-1 interface cross-connect assignments are cleared.
Alarms or traps associated with the DSX-1 interface are not generated.
LEDs associated with the DSX-1 interface are held in an “off’’ state.
Line Framing Format
Possible Settings: D4, ESF
Default Setting: ESF
Specifies the framing format for transmitted and received signals on the DSX-1 interface.
D4 – Uses D4 framing format.
ESF – Uses Extended Superframe (ESF) framing format.
Line Coding Format
Possible Settings: AMI, B8ZS
Default Setting: B8ZS
Specifies the line coding format for the DSX-1 interface.
AMI – Uses Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) line coding format.
B8ZS – Uses Bipolar 8 Zero Substitution (B8ZS) line coding format.