
Editing the win.ini File
1. To edit the win.ini file, click its Title Bar. The file’s window is highlighted when it is selected. You
may or may not have to edit this file. If the following load statement exists in your win.ini file, then
you will have to edit the file:
load=c:\mouse\xpoint.exe c:\pctcp\keyview\kwldmgr.exe
If this line is not in the file, go to Editing the winfile.ini File.
2. Remove (delete) the following information from the load= parameter statement:
After you remove this information from the load statement, it should now read as follows:
3. Save your changes and exit the win.ini file.
4. Exit the System Configuration Editor window.
Editing the winfile.ini File (If you have one)
1. Click the Start button and choose Run...
2. Type winfile.ini in the text entry field of the Run dialog box. If you have a winfile.ini file, it is
opened up in the Microsoft Notepad text editor application.