4. Click No. You must edit the autoexec.bat and win.ini files, and rename the winsock.dll file in your
OnNet directory before you restart your system. The procedures for editing and renaming these files are
provided below.
Editing the autoexec.bat and win.ini Files
1. Click the Start button and choose Run...
2. Type “sysedit” in the text entry field of the Run dialog box and click OK. The system displays the
System Configuration Editor window. All of the system’s autoexec.bat, config.sys, and win.ini
files are displayed as subwindows within the System Configuration Editor window.
Editing the autoexec.bat File
1. To edit the
autoexec.bat file, select it by clicking on its Title Bar. The file’s window is highlighted
when it is selected. You may or may not have to edit this file. If the following line is in your
autoexec.bat file, then you will have to edit the file:
If this line is not in the file, go to Editing the win.ini File
2. Remove the line, “c:\pctcp\vxdinit.exe”, from your autoexec.bat file.
3. Save your changes and exit the
autoexec.bat file. Click File and select Save from the menu bar.