Polycom DOC2559B Server User Manual

Component Replacement
The RMX 4000 is designed with ease of maintenance in mind. Most
components are swappable and are accessible directly via the front panel
or the rear panel.
The following components can be replaced when they are faulty:
CNTL 4000 Module, see "Replacing the CNTL 4000 Module” on
page 2-4.
AC Power Supply Modules, see "Replacing an AC Power Supply
Module” on page 2-5.
AC Power Entry Modules, see "Replacing an AC Power Entry Module
(PEM)” on page 2-6.
DC Power Rail Modules, see "Replacing a DC Power Rail Module
(PRM)” on page 2-7.
Fan drawer, see "Replacing the Fan Drawer” on page 2-9.
Adding an Air Filter, see "Inserting an Air Filter (Optional) in the Fan
Drawer” on page 2-10.
MPM+/MPMx card. This card is hot-swap enabled. See "Replacing an
Faulty MPM+/MPMx Card” on page 2-11.
RTM ISDN card, see "Replacing the RTM ISDN Card” on page 2-14.
RTM-IP 4000 card, see "Replacing the RTM-IP 4000” on page 2-16.
RTM LAN card, see “Replacing the Fabric Switch Module (FSM 4000)”
on page 2-18.
The MPM+/MPMx, power supplies and Fan tray are Hot Swappable. The Fan
tray must be replaced immediately or the temperature spike in the RMX shall
initiate a shutdown. The RTM-IP 4000, RTM ISDN, RTM LAN, Fabric Switch
Module (FSM) 4000 and the CTNL 4000 are not Hot Swappable. System
shutdown is required when replacing the RTM-IP 4000, RTM ISDN, RTM LAN,
FSM 4000 and the CTNL 4000.