Quatech WLNG-ET Series Network Router User Manual

100-8007-141G AirborneDirect™ Ethernet Bridge User's Guide Page 3
Quatech, Inc. Confidential
XXFigure 1XX shows a basic application where the TTAirborneDirect™ Ethernet Bridge is exchanging
data wirelessly between an Ethernet client and a LAN host. In this application:
TTThe EthernetTT client can be any device with an Ethernet port that is directly connected to
TTAirborneDirect™ Ethernet BridgeTT.
The LAN host can be a network-based PC or server that requires connection to the
Ethernet Client using the network. The LAN host communicates with the
TTAirborneDirect™ Ethernet BridgeTT over a wireless network connection via an attached
Access Point (AP).
Figure 1. Basic Application Involving a LAN Host and Ethernet Client