Raritan Computer DKX132 Network Router User Manual

SNMP Agent Configuration
Use the SNMP screen to configure the SNMP connection between the Dominion KX (SNMP
Agent) and an SNMP manager.
1. In the Event Management window, click on the SNMP tab
2. Click on the Enable SNMP checkbox to enable the SNMP Agent feature; uncheck this
checkbox to disable SNMP Agent.
3. In the Name, Contact, and Location fields, type the SNMP Agent’s (this Dominion unit’s)
name as it appears in the Navigator panel, a contact name related to this unit, and where the
Dominion unit is physically located.
4. Type the Agent’s Community Strings (the Dominion unit’s strings) and specify whether
they are Read Only or Read/Write.
5. Configure up to five SNMP managers with by specifying their IP Addresses, SNMP Port
Numbers, and the Manager’s Community String.
6. Click OK when finished, or Cancel to exit without saving changes.
Figure 49 SNMP Configuration Tab