Chapter 6 Using Configurator
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6.2 Configurator Execution Procedures
6.2.1 Configurator Overview
The configurator is a tool that converts the contents defined in the configuration file into the assembly language
include file, etc.Figure 6.1 outlines the operation of the configurator.
When used on HEW, the configurator is automatically started, and an application program is built.
1. Executing the configurator requires the following input files:
• Configuration file (XXXX.cfg)
This file contains description of the system's initial setup items. It is created in the current directory.
• Default configuration file (default.cfg)
This file contains default values that are referenced when settings in the configuration file are omitted.
This file is placed in the directory indicated by environment variable "LIB308" or the current directory. If
this file exists in both directories, the file in the current directory is prioritized over the other.
• makefile template files (makefile.dos, makefile, Makefile)
This file is used as a template file when generating makefile.
(Refer to Section 6.2.4)
• include template file(,
This file serves as the template file of include file "" and “”. It resides in the di-
rectory indicated by environment variable "LIB308."
• MR308 version file (version)
This file contains description of MR308's version. It resides in the directory indicated by environment
variable "LIB308." The configurator reads in this file and outputs MR308's version information to the
startup message.
2. When the configurator is executed, the files listed below are output.
Do not define user data in the files output by the configurator. Starting up the configurator after entering data
definitions may result in the user defined data being lost.
• System data definition file (,
This file contains definition of system settings.
• Include file (
This is an include file for the assembly language.
• System generation procedure description file(makefile)
This file is used to generate the system automatically.
This makefile is a system generation procedure description file that can be processed by UNIX standard make commands or those con-
forming to UNIX standards.