User ManualVGA to HDMI Adapter RCAD-11001
Q2. LED is flashing and I got no picture on my screen, what happen?
Ans : Please open “Control panel”, then you select "Appearance and personalization".
Then select "Adjust screen resolution". Under resolution, please select
1024X768. Wait for few seconds for HDMI to sync with your PC.
LED should be solid all time. Then you will see your screen. If you want to
select other resolution, please reference what your PC or laptop supports
output resolutions and monitor or TV supports input resolutions. Please noted,
only both sides supported resolution will be shown on the screen.
Q3. If for some reasons unknown Answer 2 did not work, what should I do?
Ans : (1). please double check on the cable connection, sometimes is confusing on
VGA cable side. Please connect the only VGA connector side to the
device. Connect the pig-tail VGA, USB and audio side to the PC.
(2). Please restart computer, some graphic card require restart to sync video
with monitor.
(3). If described answer2 and 3 still doesn't work, please visit rosewill.com for
further helps.
Q4. If my PC graphic card support 1080P but my monitor doesn't, can I still enjoy
1080p performance?
Ans : no, because we are converting the analog signal to digital signal. We are not
scaling signal up or down. To support a particular resolution, both PC or
notebook graphic card and monitor or TV has to support this resolution to able
to see. If PC or notebook has an on-board graphic card, since it does not
support very wide range of resolutions, we recommend to use 1024X768 or
720p instead of trying 1080p right away.
Q5. I already use this unit and video port is used up, I want to use more displays.
What can I do?
Ans : Rosewill has another product called "Rosewil USB to HDMI Adapter".
You can use USB port to gain extra video sources to display.
So you don't have to buy another expensive graphic card.