
Spinpoint M8-DVR OEM Product Manual REV 1.0
8.2.10 Initialize Device Parameters (91h)
This command is obsolete in the ATA7 specification. The supporting of this command is for backward
compatibility purpose. The use of this command is beyond the ATA standard and not recommended by the
This command enables the host to set the number of sectors per track and the number of heads minus 1, per
cylinder. Upon receipt of the command, the drive sets BSY, saves the parameters, clears BSY, and generates
an interrupt.
The only two register values used by this command are the Sector Count register which specifies the number
of sectors per track, and the Drive/Head register which specifies the number of heads minus 1. The sector
count and head values are not checked for validity by this command. If they are invalid, no error will be
posted until an illegal access is made by some other command.
8.2.11 NOP (00h)
The NOP command is always responded with command aborted.
8.2.12 Read Buffer (E4h)
The Read Buffer command enables the host to read the current contents of the drive's sector buffer. When
this command is issued, the drive sets up the sector buffer for a read operation, sets DRQ, clears BSY, and
generates an interrupt. The host then reads up to 512 bytes of data from the buffer.
The Read Buffer and Write Buffer commands are synchronized so that sequential Write Buffer (E8h) and
Read Buffer commands access the same 512 bytes within the buffer.
8.2.13 Read DMA (C8h, 25h: extended)
This command executes in a manner similar to the Read Sector(s) command except for the drive issues only
one interrupt per command to indicate that data transfer has stopped and the status is available.
Any unrecoverable error encountered during execution of a Read DMA command results in the termination
of data transfer prior to the sector where the error was detected. The drive generates an interrupt to indicate
that data transfer has terminated and status is available. The error posting is the same as that for the Read
Sector(s) command.
8.2.14 Read FPDMA Queued (60h)
This command is implemented according to the Serial ATA II: Extension to Serial ATA 1.0a, Revision 1.2
specification. The purpose of this command is for the host to issue a Native Command Queue (NCQ) read
commands. This command allows device to reorder the command issued in a sequence of the queue. The
command is returned based on the device’s determine of the location sequence.
The Spinpoint M8 drive implemented a queue depth of 32. This will allow host to issue up to 32 NCQ
commands (combined read and write commands).