Samsung M-ER290 Cash Register User Manual

62 • Advanced Programming Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Register
Programming PLU Status
1. Turn the control lock to the PGM position.
2. Enter the number of the PLU you wish to program (1-200), press the PLU key.
3. Decide if you want a negative, enforced non-add entry, or disabled PLU. If you do not
want any of these options, enter 0. If you wish to select any of these options, complete
the table below by adding the status digits for each option. Enter the resulting digit.
PLU is Negative Yes = 1
No = 0
Enforce Non-Add
Yes = 2
No = 0
PLU is Disabled Yes = 4
No = 0
4. Decide if you want a preset or single item PLU. If you do not want any of these
options, enter 0. If you wish to select any of these options, complete the table below by
adding the status digits for each option. Enter the resulting digit.
PLU is Preset Yes = 1
No = 0
PLU is Single Item Yes = 2
No = 0
5. Complete the tax status table below by adding the status digits for each tax. Then enter
the resulting tax status code.
Taxable by Rate 1? Yes = 1
No = 0
Taxable by Rate 2? Yes = 2
No = 0
Taxable by Rate 3? Yes = 4
No = 0
Taxable by Rate 4? Yes = 8
No = 0
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each PLU you wish to program.
7. Press the CASH/TEND key to end programming.