Performance Restrictions
z Online games and some games(3D,2D) may not be supported and Full HD video
and some high bit rate HD video playback may be slow and stutter on this computer.
There is one memory slot provided on this computer. It supports 2GB memory
max. To upgrade to 2GB memory, replace the current memory with a 2GB memory
About the Product Capacity Representation Standard
About HDD Capacity Representation
The capacity of the storage device (HDD, SSD) of the manufacturer is calculated
assuming that 1KB=1,000 Bytes.
However, the operating system (Windows) calculates the storage device capacity
assuming that 1KB=1,024 Bytes, and therefore the capacity representation of the
HDD in Windows is smaller than the actual capacity due to the difference in capacity
(E.g. For a 80GB HDD, Windows represents the capacity as 74.5GB,
80x1,000x1,000x1,000 byte/(1,024x1,024x1,024)byte = 74.505GB)
In addition, the capacity representation in Windows may be even smaller because some
programs such as Recovery Solution may reside in a hidden area of the HDD.
About Memory Capacity Representation
The memory capacity reported in Windows is less than the actual capacity of memory.
This is because BIOS or a video adapter uses a portion of memory or claims it for
further use.
(E.g. For 1GB(=1,024MB) memory installed, Windows may report the capacity as
1,022MB or less)