Set Up
Selecting a Location
Place your printer on a flat, stable surface near your workstation.
Leave enough space around the printer, so that you can easily:
¥ open the printer cover
¥ load the paper
¥ retrieve the paper
¥ open the front output tray and retrieve the paper from the front
output tray
¥ allow air circulation around the vents to prevent the printer from
Do not place the printer:
¥ In direct sunlight
¥ Near heat sources or air conditioners
¥ In dusty or dirty environments
System Requirement
Before you start, make sure you have the following computer setup.
(These are the minimum requirements.)
¥ IBM or compatible with a 386 or higher processor
¥ Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 3.x, or later
¥ 50 MB of available hard disk space for ML-5000A
¥ 4 MB of RAM for ML-5000A
¥ Centronics-compatible parallel cable (IEEE 1284-compliant)
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