Seagate ST1000NM0033 Computer Hardware User Manual

Type 3 - Seagate products do not support Type 3.
9.8.2 Setting and determining the current Type Level
A drive is initialized to a type of PI by using the format command on a PI capable drive. Once a drive is formatted to a PI Type, it may be
queried by a Read Capacity (16) command to report the PI type which it is currently formatted to. PI Types cannot coexist on a single
drive. A drive can only be formatted to a single PI Type. It can be changed at anytime to a new Type but requires a low level format which
destroys all existing data on the drive. No other vehicle for changing the PI type is provided by the T10 SBC3 specification.
Type 1 PI format CDB command: 04 90 00 00 00 00, Write Buffer: 00 A0 00 00
Type 2 PI format CDB command: 04 D0 00 00 00 00, Write Buffer: 00 A0 00 00
9.8.3 Identifying a Protection Information drive
The Standard Inquiry provides a bit to indicate if PI is support by the drive. Vital Product Descriptor (VPD) page 0x86 provides bits to
indicate the PI Types supported and which PI fields the drive supports checking.
For further details with respect to PI, please refer to SCSI Block
Commands - 3 (SBC-3) Draft Standard documentation.