Seagate ST31230WC Computer Drive User Manual

Hawk 2LP family (Wide) information
Characteristics of the various drives covered by this
manual are listed in the following table.
Legend for table column meanings:
A = capacity, unformatted megabytes
B = capacity, formatted megabytes [1]
C = number of cylinders, user accessible
D = number of heads
E = + 5 V typical current [2], Amps
F = +12 V typical current [2], Amps
Model A B C D E F
ST32430W 2.59 GB 2.14 GB 3992 9 .70 .38
ST32430WD 2.59 GB 2.14 GB 3992 9 .90 .40
ST32430WC 2.59 GB 2.14 GB 3992 9 .70 .38
ST32430DC 2.59 GB 2.14 GB 3992 9 .90 .40
ST31230W 1.28 GB 1.06 GB 3992 5 .70 .38
ST31230WD 1.28 GB 1.06 GB 3992 5 .90 .40
ST31230WC 1.28 GB 1.06 GB 3992 5 .70 .38
ST31230DC 1.28 GB 1.06 GB 3992 5 .90 .40
"Wide" family products have a 16 bit SCSI data bus rather
than the normal 8 bit data bus. However, they can operate on
an 8 bit data bus.
[1] Standard units are factory formatted with 512 data bytes
per sector with eight spare sectors per cylinder and 2
cylinders at inner tracks reserved for spares in addition
to capacity listed.
[2] Measured with an average reading DC ammeter. In-
stantaneous +12 V current peaks will exceed these
Hawk 2LP (Wide) Installation Guide, Rev. A 15