Secure Computing SSL Scanner Scanner User Manual

CPU Utilization
The CPU Utilization (All CPUs) section shows to what extent the CPUs of
the system Webwasher is running on have been used. within a given time
Values are shown for the following categories of CPU utilization:
The percentage of the CPU utilization caused by the system
The percentage of idle time
The percentage of the CPU utilization caused by Webwasher
Memory Utilization
The Memory Utilization (Physical M emory) section displays the percent-
ages and absolute values (in bytes) of free and used physical memory of the
system Webwasher is running on within a given time interval.
Values are shown for the following categories of memory utilization:
Amount of physical memory that was free
Amount of physical memory that was used
Swap Utilization
The Swap Utilization (Virtual Memory) section displays the percentages
and absolute values (in bytes) of free and used swap memory of the system
Webwasher is running on within a given time interval.
Values are shown for the following categories of swap u tilization:
Amount of swap memory that was free