The settings for the Windows Event Manager for
the SHARP AL-xxxx (where xxxx is the model
name of your unit) device allow the user to take
advantage of the Sharp Button Manager to take
control of events from Windows and send
scanned images to any application that can be
selected in Button Manager.
This can be done with the Windows OS showing
the Event Manager selection dialog or directly
into a selected application if the Button Manager
is the only allowed handler for device events
from the SHARP AL-xxxx (where xxxx is the
model name of your unit).
This is done by changing the Windows device
settings for the AL-xxxx (where xxxx is the model
name of your unit) in the Scanner and Camera
device settings in the Control Panel.
All About The Windows Event Manager and scanner events in
Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
Windows Platforms provide a mechanism for software to handle external events for
a scanner device like the SHARP AL-xxxx (where xxxx is the model name of your
unit) series products. This mechanism is controlled by the device manager on a
device basis. Applications that can handle events from a scanner/camera device
register with the Windows Event Manager and shown as available in the registered
applications. The path an event takes to get to the user's selected application
depends upon the event settings for the device.
This is the Control Panel
Properties dialog for "Scanners and
Scanner AL-
xxxx (where
xxxx is the
model name
of your unit)
key pressed.
Windows OS
Displayed on
User selects
The user
This is the Windows Event Manager
Selection Dialog.
Shown are two applications registered
to handle the scanner event from the
AL-xxxx (where xxxx is the model name
of your unit) device.