Sharp TINSZ2601RCZZ Cash Register User Manual

Other programming
Job code: 61
* Item: Selection: Entry:
A Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
B Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
C Minus dept. and PLU/sub-dept. Disallow to program minus dept. and PLU/sub-dept. 0
availability Allow it* 1
D Fractional treatment Round off (4 down, 5 up)* 0
Raising to unit 1
Disregarding fractional treatment 2
E Use of
key Use
key as 00 key* 0
key as 000 key 1
F Time format Use 12-hour format* 0
Use 24-hour format 1
G Date format Use month-day-year format* 0
Use day-month-year format 1
Use year-month-day format 2
Position of decimal point (from right) (TAB)
0 to 3 (default 2)
Job code: 62
* Item: Selection: Entry:
A Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
B Error beep activation By lock error* 0
By misoperation 1
C Key touch sound availability Allow to sound* 0
Disallow it 1
D Buffered keyboard Yes* 0
No 1
E Void mode operation availability Allow void mode operation* 0
Disallow it 1
F Void mode entry data print in Z2 reports Allow printing of void mode entry data in Z2 reports* 0
Disallow it 1
G Void mode entry data print in Z1 reports Allow printing of void mode entry data in Z1 reports* 0
Disallow it 1
H Addition of hourly sales total data in No* 0
void mode Yes 1
Job code: 66
* Item: Selection: Entry:
A Printing a receipt after transaction Total only 0
Details* 1
B Amount printing when PLU/sub-dept. Disallow printing* 0
unit price is zero Allow it 1
C Subtotal printing for conversion of Allow printing* 0
deficit Disallow it 1
D Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
E Compression printing on journals in Disallow compression printing (normal size) 0
PGM, OP X/Z, X1/Z1 and X2/Z2 modes Allow compression printing (small size)* 1
F Compression printing on journals in Disallow compression printing (normal size) 0
REG, MGR and VOID modes Allow compression printing (small size)* 1
G Logo message printing on journals Disallow logo message printing on journals* 0
Allow logo message printing on journals 1
H Footer printing Printing footer on all receipts* 0
Printing footer with selected function key at the time of finalization
Compression printing
• This programming is valid only when journal printing is selected. This does not affect EJ printing. (For EJ
programming, please refer to page 48.)
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