SMC Networks SMC10GPCIE-XFP Network Card User Manual

Linux Installation Instructions
2. Install the RPMs. The following is an example for SLES9:
[root@myhost1 i586]# rpm -ivh kernel-module-sfc-2.6.5-7.244
3. Run "yast" to configure the SMC Server Adapter. You will see two new Ethernet
Controllers available for configuration, only one of which needs to be configured
for correct operation. When you select an Ethernet Controller to configure, the
"Configuration Name" will take one of the following forms:
a. e
th-bus-pci-dddd:dd:dd.N where N is either 0 or 1.
b. eth-id-00:0F:53:XX:XX:XX
The correct Ethernet Controller to configure is usually the first controller in the
pair, and the "Configuration Name" either takes the first form ending in "
.0", or
the second form. If the "Configuration Name" ends in "
.1" then you have
selected the incorrect Ethernet Controller and you should select the other one
in the pair.
Once configured, the "Configuration Name" for the correct Ethernet Controller
will change to the second form, and an
ethY interface will appear on the host. If
the incorrect Ethernet Controller is chosen and configured, then the
"Configuration Name" will remain as "eth-bus-pci-dddd:dd:dd.1" after
configuration by YaST, and an
ethY interface will not appear on the system. In
this case, you should remove the configuration for this Ethernet Controller and
configure the other Ethernet Controller of the pair.
Building the Source RPM
The source RPM is also available on the support site:
SMC10GPCIe-10BT: Linux NET driver source RPM
The source RPM can be used to build a binary RPM for that can be installed as
detailed in the section “Installation From a Binary RPM” on page 3-6.
1. Before building the source RPM, the kernel headers for your running kernel
must be installed at
/lib/modules/<kernel-version>/build. On RedHat
and Fedora systems, install the appropriate kernel-smp-devel or kernel-devel
package. On SuSE systems, install the kernel-source package.
2. To build a binary RPM for the running kernel type
rpmbuild --rebuild <package name>
Note: Unfortunately, the location of the generated rpm is dependent on the
distribution you are using, and often the version of the distribution and the
rpm build tools. The following steps may be useful to locate the newly built